10 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors and Retirees


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10 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors and Retirees

Retirement is a gift, giving most older adults the extra time they have always wanted to enjoy favorite hobbies or to pursue a new passion. If your retirement plans include a canine companion, you are about to enjoy the additional benefits of having a dog. However, not all parts of dog ownership are easy, and you can give yourself and your new best friend the best relationship by making wise decisions. We’ve got a rundown of breeds that could be perfect to accompany you during retirement.

Benefits of a Dog During Retirement

Dogs are excellent companions no matter your age. However, there are some benefits that will be especially healthy for you in retirement. For example, you will definitely log more steps and miles in your neighborhood during your daily walks together. 

Dogs love a daily walk to stretch their muscles and explore; you’ll find you look forward to your walk outdoors just as much as your dog does. In fact, dog owners register up to 30 minutes more exercise per day than peers who do not have a pet. That increased exercise leads to healthier weight, decreased depression, and decreased risk of heart disease.

Of course, the benefits you get from owning a dog in retirement are much more than your daily romp outside. You will also get the natural stress relief that comes with dog ownership as well as decreased feelings of loneliness.

Open next page to continue reading about 10 best dog breeds for seniors and retirees.

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