Job search app in Germany

Job search app in Germany

Job search app in Germany. The speed of finding job opportunities in Germany and traveling to Germany to work depends on the way the person follows. There are quick ways to get job opportunities in Germany, but they are not available to everyone, and here are ways that need more research and patience.

Job search app in Germany

You can search for job opportunities in Germany besides studying, as German law allows students to work while studying. German law allows students to work 20 hours a week, and these hours are tax-exempt.

  Read more: Learn German language in 30 days app

After completing your studies in Germany

After completing his studies in Germany, the student can stay to search for a job opportunity in Germany in the field he wants. If a person is able to obtain an employment opportunity in Germany, he can then convert the student’s residence into a work residence through the Job search app in Germany.

Immigration to Germany through study is one of the easiest and fastest ways to immigrate to Germany, which we advise young people to do.

A job opportunity in Germany through a job search visa

Searching for job opportunities in Germany from within Germany is an easy and highly feasible option, as well as being guaranteed. How to travel to Germany to work in this way revolves around obtaining a visa specifically for this purpose through the Job search app in Germany.


Job search app in Germany

Work in Germany with a visa

·         The visa allows its holder to travel to Germany and stay in Germany for a period of 6 months to search for job opportunities in Germany legally.

·         For example, I am an engineer and I want to work in Germany as an engineer.

·         I go to Germany with this visa, and then I communicate with companies in my field from within Germany through the Job search app in Germany.

·         The advantage of this method is that it puts the owner face to face in front of the employer and gets to know each other more.

·         This is the best way to search for job opportunities in Germany through the Internet through job sites.

·         The reason is that employers prefer to hire the person they see on the ground from inside Germany, then the person who is abroad.

·         The reason for this is that companies do not want to go through the experience of embassies and work contracts abroad.

·         Especially since there is already someone who occupies the job in Germany.

Conditions for obtaining a job search visa in Germany

In the following lines, we will mention the conditions for obtaining a visa to search for a job in Germany through the Job search app in Germany:

1.    The person must have a valid passport for a period exceeding the period of the visa itself, which is 6 months.

2.    Medical insurance valid for the Schengen countries, and the rest of the requirements we talked about in detail with how to obtain a visa that you can refer to.

3.    This method depends on the presence of an acquaintance, friend, relative, brother, son or the like in Germany. It is important that there is a person residing in Germany.

4.    This person is searching for a person outside Germany for a job opportunity in his field or in a field he is good at.

5.    If the person can find a job opportunity in Germany for the person outside Germany, the person residing outside Germany can start the travel procedures with the embassy.

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